Seeking new directions in 2024 | Carbon Newture invited to participate in the "Digital Energy and Carbon Neutral" forum

On January 10, 2024, CarbonNewture was invited to participate in the "Digital Energy and Carbon Neutral" forum hosted by EqualOcean. Together with leaders in the energy industry, experts, scholars, and outstanding entrepreneurs, they explored how the digital economy can run parallel to the green economy. The event featured exciting discussions on the theme of "Empowering Parks and Businesses' Low-Carbon Transformation with Digital Technology.

01 Digital energy opportunities amidst global carbon neutral pressures

Achieving the dual carbon goals is a long-term and complex systemic project that requires consideration of various aspects such as economic development, industrial upgrading, and energy transformation. In the century-long journey towards realizing this magnificent goal, the digital economy needs to complement the green economy, jointly driving high-quality and sustainable development of the Chinese economy.

As an important component of the digital economy, the innovative development in the field of digital energy and carbon neutral holds significant importance in driving high-quality and sustainable development in China's economy. During the forum, new energy companies such as MS Energy, PCG Power, carbon neutrality technology companies like CarbonNewture, and enterprises focusing on decarbonization technologies like virtual power plants, distributed energy storage, carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), data center cooling, etc., shared industry practical experience. They also discussed the latest trends and innovations in digital energy and explored how digital technology can promote the development of sustainable energy.

02 Digitizing technology empowers parks and enterprises in low-carbon transformation

At the forum, CarbonNewture Co-founder & CEO, Huang Yanxiang, first introduced the international and domestic context of carbon neutrality, emphasizing that green and low-carbon transformation has become a global consensus and a prevailing trend. "Peak Carbon" and "Carbon Neutrality" are significant strategic decisions at the national level, and the newly added low-carbon compliance requirements in international trade rules, such as CBAM, have had a tremendous impact on Chinese export enterprises. Compliance-oriented enterprises, voluntary emission reduction enterprises, and import-export enterprises are all swept into the tide of climate change, where green and low-carbon practices have become the core competitiveness for businesses.

CarbonNewture deeply cultivates industries such as automotive, chemical, new energy, electromechanical, textile and apparel, retail, etc. The company is committed to providing comprehensive carbon neutral and digital transformation solutions for enterprises through technologies like blockchain, IoT, big data, and artificial intelligence. It aims to offer precise analysis and solutions across various scenarios and dimensions for manufacturing enterprises, government parks, banking and financial institutions, insurance agencies, and more.

In the future, CarbonNewture will leverage digital technology to drive systematic changes in carbon management for industrial parks and enterprises. Starting from product carbon footprint, the company will propagate the concept of sustainable development to every link in the supply chain, thereby assisting industry enterprises in achieving carbon neutrality goals.